This is my second game, "Robots Hate Space Travels"

Welcome to my devlog!

My name is "CodyGameDev".  I started to learn Unity 6 months ago and this is the second game that I am creating.

I partitipated in the 3rd Reto Game Dev and this is the videogame that I sent to this Game Jam. The videogame is Lapse-like videogame (a game like "Lapse A Forgotten Future") . The player must avoid that all the robots and space ship were destroyed and he will have to take decisions every turn.

Currently the project is under development. And I would like to add more features (like English translation for example, because currently Spanish is the unique language).

The story. You are a robot that is in charge of a terraforming spaceship. In the future, companies use to send spaceships with a group of robots. When the spaceship lands in the new planet, all the robots will terraform it until it is liveable.

Thanks for reading this article. I will updating this devlog with new features in the game.

Files Play in browser
Jan 19, 2021 23 MB
Jan 19, 2021

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